Blog Tour Award


This is my favourite award going around right now! I have enjoyed reading everyone’s answers and I love how different they are. When there are so many bloggers talking about the same topic, it almost deters you from wanting to start a blog. The best thing about blogging about makeup though is how everybody has their own opinion and their own favourites. Everybody is different and that is why I love blogging about makeup.

I am so happy to be nominated for this award by Elyse from Beauty By Elyse. If you don’t follow her blog, I highly recommend doing so. She has great content and she is beautiful!


-Pass the tour on up to four other bloggers.

-Give your nominees the rules and a specific Monday to post.

-Answer the four questions about your creative process which lets other bloggers and visitors know what inspires you to do what you do.


1. Why do I write or create what I do?

When I first started this blog, it was more so an outlet for me to write my feelings out and have a place to go when I was feeling sad or something was on my chest and I just needed to write it out. I soon realized that the feelings I had pent up were released and all those feelings had disappeared. I had to make a decision of where I was going to head with the blog and that was makeup. The reason I write about makeup is solely due to me loving it. I love creating different looks, I love wearing it and of course, buying it. However, I never had anyone to share the love I had for it and I thought this would be the perfect way. So whenever I buy an item, I will review it because it allows me to share with all of you, my thoughts and ideas.

2. How does my writing/creative process work?

The writing comes easy to me. I love to write, I could write for hours. Especially with reviews, those are easy for me because it’s coming from me and how I felt about the products. I love getting ideas from all of you when it comes to other posts. If I post a haul, I like to ask you what you want to see. When it comes to taking the pictures, I love all the makeup items to be on a white canvas board. I like the simplicity and the professionalism of the white background. However, it gets dirty easily, so white isn’t always so great. It’s odd because I have a million thoughts going through my head a day when it comes to posts, but when I actually sit down and type, my mind goes blank.

3. How does my work differ from others in my genre?

Obviously, it can be hard to be different when everyone enjoys the same passion. But I think it is also very easy to be different. Most of my posts are based on reviews because that is what I like to do. I have the odd haul or something that is not even related to makeup, but when it comes down to it, I like makeup reviews more than anything. We all have different ideas of what is good and what isn’t, so even if another blogger and myself write the same post, one of us could hate it and the other could love it. That is why I love this genre! I hope my reviews are helpful for everyone and you enjoy them πŸ™‚

4. What are you working on at theΒ moment?

I have a few things on the go right now. I am working on a post that a company has approached me about. It fits so well with my blog and I am not restricted with what I can write. So you can expect that this Friday. I also have a few mascaras, foundations and concealers that I have been trying, so those will go up when I feel like i have had a good enough time feeling them out. I am also in the works of doing a “What’s in my Purse” tag. I have always wanted to do one and that will be up sometime next week.

As always, if you want to see something or want a review, please let me know! I love all of your input!

My Nominees:

Polished by Amy

A Beautiful Whim

Fashion & Moore

Lippie Obsession

You have until Monday June 8th to post!

10 thoughts on “Blog Tour Award

  1. Pingback: Blog Tour Award - A Beautiful Whim

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