Looking Back On My 2018 Goals

Hey Everyone!

I promise that this month will have more than just reflection posts, but I can’t help but look back on 2018 and see how much has changed. I do this post every year where I look at the goals I made from the previous year and find out how well I did with accomplishing them.

If you are interested on finding out how I did, keep on reading!

Just by looking at goals from last year, I already know that I failed them all and they weren’t very specific compared to this year. I pretty much said the same thing this year as I did last and I guess I’m going to keep going at it until I succeed haha. I will admit that 2018 was an odd year for me and I just don’t think I had the motivation to do anything. I’m in such a different place from a year ago and it’s so amazing to feel & see that growth. Anyways, here were my goals from last year:

Blogging Goals

  • Post Consistently: I have been saying this year after year, but this will be the year that I will make sure to have content out when I want it out. No more random posting. I am still going to work on the days, but I will let you know
  • Use Social Media: This one is another big one that I slowly started using again. Now that I have the right tools, I can post more and gain a following. Instagram has been good to me, but I need to keep going. My goal for Instagram is to have 1000 followers by the end of the year. If you want to be part of that goal follow me here 🙂
  • Take The Time To Write: When it comes to writing posts I love, I need to give myself the time to write these posts. I don’t want to have short posts that mean nothing. I want long posts that provide information.

Personal Goals

  • Read 100 Books: I am setting the goal high for book reading. I have failed the last 2 years with this goal, but I am determined to achieve it. If you are a book lover like me, follow me on Goodreads. We can encourage each other!
  • Stay Healthy: This includes being both mentally and physically healthy. Last year took a toll on me, big time, and I am hoping to do all that I can to prevent it from happening this year. I have been looking into meditation apps, keeping active and doing things that make me happy.
  • Write More: I love to write. It has always been a passion of mine and I have been constantly writing short stories on my computer, as a way to convey my thoughts and get whatever made up stories I have in my head, out there. I love it, but I haven’t been doing it a lot lately. I am hoping to complete one of my stories, as it would be one of my biggest accomplishments.

I failed both my blogging & personal goals–very badly! HA.

I didn’t even come to close to achieving anything that I set my mind to and honestly, that is okay. I had the intention when I started out in 2018, but now I have the motivation and determination to do what I set out in the beginning. I made my goals a little bit more realistic too, as I know I can reach them and have success. I’ve also downloaded a few apps that are beneficial to my success, such as Calm (meditating app) & HabitBull (Keeps me on track with my goals). Let me know if there any other apps that you use that you find helpful!

Anyways, I know this post is short & sweet, but I couldn’t leave this one out, as I do it every year. Remember that my posting schedule is Monday, Tuesday & Thursday, so I will chat with you all next week. Have a great weekend!


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